Friday, February 4, 2011

I Quit Living in Fear

I live a life of fear and this was confirmed on Sunday when Pastor Craig addressed this area in church. I already knew this going into the sermon so it wasn't as painful when he pointed it out. I knew he was going to be talking directly to me. I really identified with 3 of the 4 areas, but could probably of identified with all 4 if I was really honest with myself.

1. Fear of Loss
- I fear losing my life constantly.
- I fear losing someone in my family.
- I fear losing my future husband one day.
- I fear losing my job.

2. Fear of Failure
- I fear not being good enough to be successful in my career.
- I fear not making my parents proud.
- I fear not being a good enough ________ fill in the blank (sister, daughter, mother, wife, friend, worker) Whatever I am to you I probably fear not being good enough.
3. Fear of Rejection
- I fear important people in my life walking out on me.
- I fear not getting good positions because I am not well equipped.
4. Fear of Unknown
- I fear what the future has in store.
- I fear never finding a job that I truly love to go to everyday
- I fear not knowing where I will be a year from now

I checked all of them except number 3. As I have thought about it more the people pleaser in me really does have a fear of rejection so turns out I am a walking fearful person. Now that I have recognized this lets see what Craig had to say about it.

1. What you fear reveals what you value most.

Ok well I can live with that. I value what people think of me. I value my family. I value my future. What's wrong with that?

2. What you fear reveals where you trust God the most least.

So that is what is wrong with it.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."-2 Timothy 1:7

Wait, but I don't think He gave that to me. Some, like Craig's wife, may have gotten the power of a sound mind, but not this girl. I am constantly fearing things, where did He go wrong with me?

....backup! That is exactly what I was thinking until I realized, he didn't go wrong with me at all. I have gone wrong, when I fear the things of this world rather than the things of the Lord. I have gone wrong, when I think that God does not have it all in control and I will not be taken care of. I have gone wrong when I lose sight of seeking the one who can remove all of my fears and provide me with a sound mind.

"I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears"-Psalm 34:4

And I will continue to seek the Lord and pray for deliverance from my fears. Only the one who created me and gave me this precious and beautiful life can save me from these things.

What do you fear?

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