Thursday, April 19, 2012

Moving? For Real?

We are about to make the jump! We are officially 1 week from packing up and heading south! We have two things definitely figured out. Zeb will start his job as an Operations Agent at the Lubbock airport on April 30th and I will start my job as Assistant Director of Employer Relations for the College of Business at Texas Tech on May 1st. Other than that we are completely unprepared. I am wrapping up things at my job currently, we have not begun packing, and we have not found a place to live. Trust me, we are really good at this moving thing. :)

We are both really excited about this new move, new jobs, and new chapter in our life, but can I just tell you something? I never thought I would actually say this. I mean I am the girl who has pretty much never moved back home since leaving for college at 18 with the exception of summer breaks. I am also the girl who moved 16 hours away from everything I knew to a place where I knew nothing. This time though, I AM SADTERRIFIEDINDENIAL. Did you get that? Let me break it down.

I AM SAD. I am sad to be leaving this state I have called home for almost 4 years. I am sad to leave behind my church, my friends, and everything I have come to know and love.

I AM TERRIFIED. I am terrified of this new town I will have to call home. What if we don't make friends? I mean I am married now, you have to make friends differently when you are married. What if we don't find a good church family? We love our church family here and our new ones have a high bar to meet. What if we can't find a nice place to live? Again, our current living arrangement has set the bar high.

I AM IN DENIAL...just a little. No, we aren't really moving in a week no need to eat all our food up and start putting things in boxes. No, God didn't really provide for us so perfectly that we are actually relocating to a whole different state because of a lay off just two months ago and both starting with jobs in exactly our field of work. No, dear friends in Oklahoma stop asking if you are going to see me again, I am not going anywhere.

If there is one thing I should be really good at in this point of my life, it is moving and saying goodbye. Since leaving for college I think I have moved 13 times. IN 7 YEARS!!! Needless to say, I am ready to actually stay in a single location for a full year! I know everything will work out and the emotions I am feeling now will subside. I know I will still have my friends here in Oklahoma from a distance and we will make new friends in Lubbock. I also know we will find a good church and that God has planned perfectly how the next few years will go. Knowing all of that makes it easier...a little. OH and yes I do know we are ACTUALLY moving in a week.

Say some prayers for us...Lord, knows we need them!

Happy Thursday!


Lindsey Clinton said...

You are wonderful! Best of luck in this time of transition. :) one day at a time!

Tanya said...

Sasha, I am so sorry I couldn't see you before you go. I have several great people at Tech. The director of Housing, Sean Duggan is fabulous - you should connect with him and the Sr. Associate Director, D'aun Greene - both great colleagues in the field. Last but certainty not least one of my old RA staff from K-state, Leslie Williams, is a hall director there. I am going to facebook her tonight to let her know ya'll are heading that way. Good luck and keep in touch!