Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Only You Can Take You Where You Want To Be

My calendar reads REST today. This means I have finished 6 days of Insanity. Before I began day 1 I did a whole lot of reading up on this program. I have to admit I was completely terrified to start it. All I read was how hard it was. Not many people had anything nice to say about it. I had heard that you were a rock star if you actually completely the 60 day program. Well listen here people, I am on my way to rock star status.

I will not tell you this program is easy by any means. I take plenty of breaks during the video and drink lots of water. What I can tell you though is it is totally do-able. I mean I probably wouldn't tell someone that has not worked out in quite some time to jump in, but if you are even remotely active you could probably get through it. Even the people on the video take breaks and grab water.

Yesterday was the hardest by far! I think this program is making my metabolism speed up and therefore I felt way more hungry by the end of the day which made the 40 minutes even more brutal. However, I pushed through. There were multiple times when I just wanted to push stop and tell myself, "It will be OK, one day of not doing it won't hurt me", but I didn't. Remember when I first started this a week ago? I wanted it to be about pushing myself and not giving up. If I had quit yesterday I probably would many more times to come.

I also have to admit, as a Jillian Michael's junkie, I prefer this over her 100%. A lot of the moves are done in the Jillian Michael's video, but Shawn T is just....well easier to work with. I have lost 2 pounds so far and feel great! I did get some miles in over the weekend on top of the videos. I ran really slow because after doing the video my legs were not agreeing with my jogging, but I am on a mission legs and your not standing in my way!

This weekend I met a lady while volunteering at a local race. She is part of the West Texas Running Club, which is who was hosting the race. Besides the fact that she was completely confused by my act of volunteering for some random running club after only 2 weeks of being in Lubbock, she said something that stuck with me. She was telling me her story. I love hearing others stories. She was telling me about how two years ago she was a smoker and had never run more than three miles in her life. Now she no longer smokes and has completed 3 half-marathon races and multiple races in between of shorter distances. Being in her mid-40's she never thought her life would change this much.

That was not the part that stuck out to me though. The part that stuck with me is something that I think is so important for every single person that is trying to push themselves to new limits whether it is physically, spiritually, mentally, etc. She told me about a girlfriend of hers that wanted her to complete a triathlon with her. She told her friend it would be too hard because the part where you come out of the water to get on your bike is a steep hill. She didn't want to be the ONE walking her bike up the hill and she didn't think she could ride it up the hill. Her friend told her it was not against race rules to walk your bike at any point during the race. She said I know, but I just do not want to be that person. At that point her friend looked at her and said, "who are you doing it for?" This lady at the race told me that was a profound moment for her. It reminded her that whether she crawled across the finish line or rode across the finish line as long as she completed the race and was doing it to prove to herself she could, that was all that mattered.

So, who are you doing it for? I wanted to do Insanity because I give up easily. When things get too hard, I walk away. I want to know that I can stick to something no matter how hard it is. I am doing it for myself. Sure, there are added benefits like getting in better shape and feeling good about myself in a bathing suit, but the core of the matter is deeper. I need to know that I can push myself hard and not walk away when it feels like too much.

"Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else."- Les Brown

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