Thursday, August 25, 2011

One Word

Another thing I found as I was reading new blogs the other day was the One Word challenge. I wished I had found this back on January 1st when I was making new goals for the year. I am not sure what my word would have been, but I wanted to make a word starting now for what the year has been and what my word would be through the end of 2011. The idea is rather than making resolutions or goals for the year, just pick a word.


That is my 2011 word. These are the things I have changed or still want to change for 2011.

Marital status
home base
attitude toward Christ
attitude toward others
relationship with the last two mentioned
body image
career goals
the person to become
time spent
the way I love
money habits
listening skills
the way I learn

2011 has been full of many changes already, but there are still things to change. It is half way through the year and the perfect time to recharge and dominate what is left to accomplish.

As you can see with the amount of changes I have made in my life and on this blog in the last week this word is perfect for my 2011 One Word.

Stay tuned for my 25 before 25 list!

What's your One Word 2011?

1 comment:

PK said...

That is awesome Sash! Love the new layout!!! <3