Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Running for the fun of it!

This last Sunday I ran my first half marathon. Most of you know I set out to complete this journey in January.  My initial plan was to run the 1/2 marathon in OKC. However, when Zeb got laid off in February we were immediately thrown into job search mode and ended up moving to Lubbock the weekend of the half. At the time I was mostly relieved because I had injured my knee on my first 10 mile attempt and to be honest was terrified of the half marathon.

Once we got settled in Lubbock, I immediately picked up running again. I found a local run club who I have fallen in love with and that made running easy. By the end of June I had done some searching and eventually decided I would run the Lady Speedstick half marathon in Phoenix. I thought it would be a great run given the time of year and I could see my family. I was committed in my head, but had not committed monetarily until literally 2 weeks ago. I had put off actually registering for a lot of reasons. I was scared. I didn't know what my doctor would think of running with a little one growing inside me and well I wasn't sure I could do it. I have overcome all of that!

My doctor thinks running is great for the baby and encourages it. Check! I overcame my fear at the start line. Check! I proved I could do it at the finish line. Check! One of my friends had told me it would be emotional at the end. I didn't believe her, but it turns out she was right. When I came around that corner and I saw my family on the side of the finish line and I heard all the noise of the music, it is all kind of a blur, but emotional I was! I felt so proud inside.

I finished in 2 hours 33 minutes and 6 seconds. I never stopped once the entire race. These are two things I am happy about. My longest distance prior to the race had been 11 miles. That was 2 weeks ago and it took me 2 hours and 25 minutes. I figured the race would take me about 2 hours and 50 minutes. Between the adrenaline of the race and the end of my first trimester though, I had picked up a little bit of speed. I felt great at the end and wasn't even too sore the next day. It was a great race!

To be honest, if you had told me 5 years ago I would run 13.1 miles someday and pregnant to boot I would have laughed in your face. I have never been a runner. I mean NEVER!! I remember dreading running in high school. It was something I had picked up in college and have just done progressively more of it over time. I have become passionate about exercise and the benefits it has in your life. Some days I can hardly believe I used to way 60 pounds more than I do now. Thanks to this race I now have the runner high, officially. I enjoy running. It is true. Even for 2 and a half hours. Yours may not be running, but I would encourage you to find that element of exercise that makes you feel better than ever before. For your health and for fun. You can do it. Start with 1 mile, 1 min, or whatever makes sense for you. Just start.

I have got some pictures from my phone. Enjoy!

Zeb dropping me off at 5:30am. I was so nervous at this point!

My bib! 

Thanks to my sweet, sweet husband for all of his support over the last 11 months! Post Race with my medal.

All my gear the night before!

1 of the 5 hills over the course of the race. This one was cake. 

This would be the 4th hill right after mile 10! I did not want to run up it. 

Oh and the last hill of the race after mile 11! Are you kidding me?!

Thanks to my beautiful sisters for going to the expo with me to pick up the packet! I was so excited and glad they were there to celebrate with me. 

Thanks to my wonderful parents for hosting a pasta party the night before my race. Carb loading and good times with good friends!

And waiting before the race started. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all my friends as well as my awesome family for all the support. I could not have done any of this or enjoyed the process so much with all of you!! I feel so so blessed. And thank you to my Lord and Savior for keeping me healthy along the way! It was the first of what I hope to be many more races to come! 

Happy hump day!

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