At church on Sunday we were blessed with the opportunity to hear from a pastor from Seattle. This man, Pastor Judah Smith, made me a little skeptical at first. As he walked onto the stage, I will be honest, I just did not seem interested in what he had to say. I am extremely connected to our Pastor and I was ready to get back to hearing from him. Well as it would be I was wrong. This man blew me out of my seat. His message was incredible. I know I have said this about prior messages, but if there is any message to actually take the time to watch...it is this one!!
The big question of the message was this, "What do you do when you are not where you used to be and not where you are supposed to be so you are just hanging out in the meantime?" Pastor Judah had me hooked from that question. That was my question. Now, I do not really know where it is that I used to be or where it is that I am suppose to be, but I have a pretty good feeling I am in the meantime. One example of this in my life is I am engaged, but not married. Therefore, I am just hanging out in the meantime. What do I do in the meantime? How do I get the fulfillment I need in the meantime? Jesus. That's it. I need Jesus.
The thing is I feel exactly how Pastor Judah explained it. I have done all that I know how to do...God are we there yet? I have gotten my education, I have gotten valuable experiences, I have good mentors, am I there yet? I have spent less on useless things and more on paying off bills, am I there yet? Then he said something else though; "from here to here could be years!" There are days when the past will look sunny and the future looks bleak. What do I do when I am not where I used to be and not where I am supposed to be? Stay in the boat. That is what he said. When you don't know the answers and it looks kinda scary up ahead stay in the boat. Then it was this sentence that changed it all; "It is not my job to know the answers, it is my job to stay the course and trust God."
I would be crazy to think there is not purpose in the meantime. The highlights are part of the big show, but the meantime allows for the highlights. His comparison was sports. As a spectator you only see the highlights of athletes. You don't see them when they are practicing, eating, or resting to prepare for those highlights. Without that meantime though, their highlights would be nothing. This just really stuck with me. I want to live by God, for God, and with God. Once I get to where I am supposed to be, I want to do it with all that I have for Jesus. I want to change lives for Jesus. I want to stay in the boat so I can reap in due season. In the meantime...I should probably get to know Jesus so I am ready when the highlight comes.
"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things He planned for us long ago"-Ephesians 2:10
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