Sunday, February 6, 2011


I think I may have mentioned this a few weeks back, but I started a couple reading plans on Youversion at the start of the year. You know how everyone starts with a resolution of reading their Bible from cover to cover and they get through Genesis and then life happens and they forget about it? Well I guess I had jumped on that bandwagon only I was focused on the New Testament. I had always read bits and pieces of the New Testament, but never the whole thing. So I started this reading plan that takes you through the New Testament in a month. I am not sure why I chose a month other than I guess I was just anxious to read it all and a month was the shortest time there was. I must have forgotten that just because you choose the reading plan, doesn't mean that you will make the time to do it. And you have to make the time to do it or it defeats the whole reading plan idea. The reading plan keeps going and me? Well I just keep putting off.

I finally jumped back in yesterday. I had left off on day 7 of my reading plan and it had now made its way to day 23. Youversion has this cool thing though where you can select catch me up and it starts you exactly where you left off with a new end date. How cool is that? Then I got to thinking youversion wasn't upset that I had disappeared for two weeks. In fact they had even sent me a reminder last week that I hadn't visited in a week or so and wanted to remind me that they were still there. This whole concept got me thinking about God. Imagine that. But really, that is exactly what God would do. He is always there. He is there when we start off talking to him everyday and have an intimate relationship with him. He is there when we drift. He will sometimes whisper through the Holy Spirit to remind us about His presence. And even when we still blow Him off, He is waiting when we return. He picks us up right where we left off when we drifted as if we had never left, similar to the catch me up button. How cool is that?

All of that to say that I am in standing awe of my God right now. I have spent the last two weeks or so drifting. I have been pre-occupied with the big W, snow, and two jobs that I have drifted. Not so far that I had forgotten, but far enough that I knew I needed a spirit check. So when I returned to the Bible yesterday and prayer it was like I had never left. His grace just fell on me. I surrendered to Him, apologized for my absence, and moved on. Just as He would have it.

P.S. I am reading a book right now titled Wresting with God, which I will definitely do a book review on when I am finished, but there was a couple lines I read last night that I want to leave you with. They are powerful in my opinion.

"Jesus, too, never promises easy answers. He promises the cross, a symbol of the spiritual deaths we have to face over and over as our answers, formulas, and the little Lego houses of our comfortable lives collapse, and we are given the opportunity to surrender to the next step in our journey with God."

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