Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Believe That You Matter

Today is a special post dedicated to the things I believe.

I BELIEVE that love exists and can last forever

I BELIEVE my God is a healer, forgiver, savior, and is greater than anything I will ever find on this earth.

I BELIEVE relationships with others can make or break a person

I BELIEVE serving is powerful beyond words

I BELIEVE laughing till your cheeks hurt should happen more often

I BELIEVE a puppy and a child can change your whole world in a single interaction

I BELIEVE in crying until the pain goes away

I BELIEVE there are some friends that should have been family

I BELIEVE family should be valued

I BELIEVE the words "I am proud of you" are not spoken enough

I BELIEVE a book can take you on a wonderful vacation

I BELIEVE humility is a beautiful thing

I BELIEVE passion is an overused word and underused motivator

I BELIEVE there are men that love their bride the way Christ loved the Church

I BELIEVE coffee shops were created for conversation more than coffee itself

I BELIEVE that there is still so much good in the world despite what the news portrays

I BELIEVE that lives are changed everyday

I BELIEVE that inspiration comes from the smallest people with the biggest hearts

I BELIEVE in you

What do you believe in?

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