Saturday, February 19, 2011

My Life is Forever Different

Today has changed me. If you are friends with me on facebook than you know it was no secret what my day consisted of...The Dave Ramsey Live Event. I volunteered for three reasons: I love volunteerism, I love events of that nature, and I have drank the Dave Ramsey Koolaid. When I first found out about the event just a short 3 months ago I knew I wanted to go. My immediate thought was, "I COULD VOLUNTEER!!" Then I would get to be there, but also be helping, which is awesome!! I signed up to volunteer and got the message that I was on the waiting list...a waiting list?? I thought for sure I was out. Well about a month ago I got the email saying I had been picked to volunteer. I was beyond excited!! At that point I had no idea what I would experience today.

As I am most days, I was running late. I was flustered because I showed up about 30 minutes late. Everyone was so nice anyway. After 2 hours of setting up and product training the doors were ready to open. I must also mention that Dave and his daughter Rachel both went around and shook hands with every volunteer in the arena during that 2 hour period. How cool is that? People poured into the arena with excitement and lots of buzzing. There was a pre-show that included Jon Acuff, more about him later, Rachel, and the VP of their publishing company, Chris Locarto. Finally, at 1pm it was time for Dave's appearance. As he entered they had the lights going on and off, everyone was cheering, it was loud and I was lost in the moment. I was overcome with emotion. I was covered in goosebumps. I could not help but say a prayer in that moment to thank God for this experience.

Dave spoke for 5 hours to a crowd of 10,000 people about becoming debt free. His passion is indescribable. The love for the people that's lives are changing is amazing. He kept it funny and entertaining, while getting a very clear message across. Normal is broke. Here are some other notes I took from the day.

1. Stupid people are broke and people get offended when you mess with their stupidity.
2. If we were doing math we wouldn't have debt.
3. God's not mad at you. You entertain him.
4. One definition of maturity is learning how to delay pleasure.
5. Prayer REALLY works.
6. Normal is broke. Be weird.
7. Live like no one else now so you can live like no one else later.

I honestly could go on and on. There was so much to take away from his lessons I could not keep up. During breaks I got to do what I love and that was serve people. I got to sell Dave's products for less than retail and people loved it! I got a hug from a stranger because I chased her down after she left her FREE deluxe envelope system sitting on the table. I got to help in the start of people changing their lives. It was incredible.

At the end of the day my heart was filled with so much joy and inspiration I could hardly contain it. Obviously, I felt the need to come home immediately and write it all down. I called Zeb and talked for probably 5 minutes straight about it without stopping once. I worshipped Jesus the whole way home for the experience and everything he has done in my life to bring me to this point. The people that work for Dave are incredible as well. They are servants for the Lord and they show that in their work. Again, I could go on an on.

Here is what I hope you take away from this though, find freedom in your life. I want you to find the financial freedom that so many have already found through Dave's practical steps, but before you can do any of that you must find freedom in your savior. And when you do your life will be forever changed.

Finally, because I believe in the things that Dave Ramsey is doing and the lives that are being changed I have a giveaway! I am giving away Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover book. This is the perfect book to start out on if you have never heard of Dave or even if you have and just want to see what it is all about! So here is how to enter:

1. Post a comment below about what gets you excited, restless, passionate, etc.

2. For an extra entry into the contest share this post on Facebook or Twitter.

I will randomly select a winner Monday morning. Contest ends Sunday at Midnight!

Be blessed.


Grig said...

Personal finance gets me excited. :) (Yes, I'm an odd duck.) I heard a lot about Dave Ramsey, but never had a chance to pick up his book, so here's hoping I win!

Thanks for doing this giveaway. :) If I win, my email is grig at gmx dot com

Grig said...

Extra entry:!/grig4/status/39366343094575104

kristen myers said...

i'm so glad you got to help at this event Sasha! and also jealous. it's a long road, but you guys can do it!
more people finding out about Dave Ramsey gets me excited, so Grig you can have my entry! (if that's okay with Sasha)

Sash said...

Thanks for the encouragement Kristen! It really was awesome! I am so jealous that you and Zach are so close to being debt free! :)