Thursday, February 17, 2011

Taken for Granted

Last night I had a small emotional fit. OK, maybe a rather large one, but I can justify this. Between working out to get my body in a healthy form again, selling everything I can in my apartment, and balancing life with two jobs, wedding prep, and marriage prep, it just all caught up to me. Thank goodness Zeb can be patient with me. I said some words to him that I should not have in the heat of the moment. I apologized and then prayed after he left for help from the only one who truly can save me.

This morning I stumbled across a blog of a married couple. They are raising money for adoption. They have been trying for years to get pregnant and it hasn't worked and they feel God has led them to this place. Yesterday I found another blog. This one was for a 20 year old girl who just found out 2 months ago that she has the rarest form of ovarian cancer. She has lost all of her hair and is going through intense chemo right now. A friend of hers has started a business in her honor called Jars of Love. A few weeks ago I was made aware that a previous supervisor of mine had a baby boy last year who is now facing severe complications. The hospital bills are astronomical and they need help.

Those are justifiable reasons for small or large fits. My petty problems are not. My problems are not means for harsh words towards the ones I love. So this morning I was hit with the realization of how much I take for granted. I was changed by these stories and reminded of how blessed I really am. I was challenged to rely more on my creator rather than myself. And then I read this:

"...Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: they do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest"-Luke 12:22-26


kristen myers said...

so the couple's blog you blogged about in this post is my friend. well used to be, we have lost contact, but we led a high school girl's bible study together while i went to baylor. she is one amazing girl.

Sash said...

Oh small world! I just found out about them through the blog that I read, Todays Letters. I noticed you read them too!

kristen myers said...

yes, today's letters is one of my favorites. i don't know her but we know alot of the same people so i feel like i can really relate to her, their blog is so creative!