Monday, June 20, 2011

A Love Letter

Dear Zeb,

Today is 1 month since we said "I Do". In just the few hours following our ceremony, I learned what kind of person you are amongst many and the way you handle being under pressure. I loved that night and watching you interact with everyone. In the 10 days following our wedding we spent time with only each other on our honeymoon. In that time I learned from you that there is a time and place for angry words when things go wrong and most of the time that is not at the poor worker at the counter. I also learned that when you do things the way God intended them to be, he blesses that beyond any imaginable scope. I learned that you love squishy seafood and the opportunities to show me new things. I also learned that heat and hunger are two things I should avoid if I want to enjoy my time with you. Since returning from Florida and beginning our life as two extremely different and complicated people living under one roof I have also learned much. I have learned that you actually do enjoy having a clean house, you just don't enjoy putting in the effort. I have learned that you will start loads of laundry and unclog drains for me. I have learned that you will be my knight and shining armor when I need a spider or snake killed. I have learned that you like to talk to Ryder as if he is a mute human that supports everything you do. I have been thankful for your comfort at night when scary storms are overhead. You have taught me how to cook off instinct rather than recipes, although you are much better at this than me. You have taught me that I can relax in the evening rather than clean, clean, clean. You have laughed at me for my obsessive mail checking, but learned to love me for it. You have learned that I am terrible at making any trip to the store a short one, I guess you can thank my mom for that. I have learned that your goofiness is my absolute favorite, like when you honk the horn of the car to the tune of me singing a Psalm in the bible on our way to church. I have learned my way isn't the best way. We have forgiven each other more times than I can count, but also laughed a lot too.

We have done all of this in one short month. In one short month I have learned so much about you and from you. I now know what people mean when they say you fall more in love with your spouse as time goes on because I can honestly say I love you more today than I did a month ago. I know the future brings both good and bad times, but I also know that we will get through them all. I admire your faith and through your actions you remind me everyday that we could not do any of this without our Savior, Jesus, and it is because of him that you lead me the way you do. I feel so lucky to have you in my life and to call you my husband.


1 comment:

PK said...

oh my goodness your honesty! Those moments truly are what make you fall in love even more! My fav part is Zeb talking to Ryder! :o)