Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Simply Put, Perfectly Placed

I am up before the sun on most mornings these days. The normal routine includes rolling out of bed and stumbling to my shower. Directly following the shower I would normally go to let the dogs out and while they are doing their business I would return to the bathroom to begin the getting ready process. This morning was different. I was captivated by the beauty outside, where the night is saying its goodbye and the sun is slowly making its entrance. The temperature is close to perfect outside and it is peaceful. I was also partially cautioned by the dirt that was now mud after last night's storms and wanted to keep a close eye on the dogs. It was in that moment, as I was watching the time switch from night to day, that I saw it in the near distance. Within about 50 yards of my front door I saw its pretty face and sleek body. It stood on alert noticing the dogs running about. I watched it watch Ryder and Shadow for about 2 minutes, in hopes they would notice it, but as expected they never did. And at the moment that it was certain they weren't paying attention, even though they never were, Bambi sneaked away into the trees.

I was half sad to watch her go and half happy she went unnoticed, for fear Ryder would have been on a wild chase otherwise, which could have made my morning go terribly wrong quickly. Instead I got to watch the day change and wildlife live naturally. It brought a smile to my face and left me with an appreciation of the country and the small things in life. Today I needed that slow pace and reminder from God. Everyday is a precious gift that should not be taken for granted. Choose to indulge in every moment, even if it is as simple as watching the sun rise and a deer in the field.

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it"-Psalm 118:24

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