Monday, January 2, 2012

My 2012 Foundation is Built


That shall be my word for 2012

Allow me to explain

When I began this process of establishing my word for 2012 I knew a few things. I knew I wanted 2012 to be rewardingly challenging, full of showing grace, and adventuresome. I began writing down words that illustrated some of these desires. As I did more research googling, reading definitions and synonyms, and reflecting on goals I was pleased when I stumbled across relate.

Some Synonyms: let one's hair down, narrate, set forth, shoot the breeze, lay it on the line, get off one's chest, divulge, depict, impart.

Definition: to tell, to give an account; to establish association; to have reference; to have some relation; to establish a social or sympathetic relationship with a person or thing

Latin word: Relatus defined as narration, telling of events, derived from the Medieval Latin word Referre.

Referre defined as to bring, carry back; give, payback, render; it matters, makes a difference, is of importance; bring back news, record.

And there it was...Referre translated in Latin as Relatus translated in English to Relate. The very core of the word from medieval latin is what solidified my word for 2012.

I will relate with others in order to bring joy and grace to their lives.
I hope to carry back experiences and stories when spending time with others.
I hope to give generously while paying or rendering back large amounts of debt.
I hope to show others that kindness matters and should be practiced regularly.
I hope to make a difference with my diligence.
I hope to help others realize their story is of importance and worth sharing and I want it to be shared with me.
I hope to bring back great news of the things that God is doing in my life
And I hope to record in my journals all that I accomplish this year in order to share one day down the road with my kids that dreams are important and goals can be met.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 will serve as my verse of the year.
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing"

As with any new year Zeb and I also set some goals for this year. We based them around the 5 spokes of a healthy life; spiritual, relationships, financial, physical, and work.

In a nutshell we have set a huge goal for paying off debt and if we stick to it we could be debt free in three years. I am expectantly praying HARD for God to help us with this one as it will require saying no a lot and great discipline!! We are shooting for 3 new books as a couple read and I would individually like to read a book every month. We want to spend more time with friends and taking walks with one another and go on a vacation.

I also hope to run my first half-marathon this year, spend more time in the Bible, be intentional with my actions and relationships, and do some self learning.

2011 was a great year, but 2012 will be MY year!

1 comment:

PK said...

Sash, I love your theme/word! What a great idea! When it gets tough, you can go back to that theme and remember what you are focusing on! Let me know when you sign-up for the OKC half or whatever one you do and I will run it with you!!! I can't wait to see what this year brings your way!