Thursday, May 24, 2012

Success is Happening!

My oh my where has this week gone. We got back from our camping trip mid afternoon on Sunday. I wasted no time diving in to cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping to get ready for the week. Zeb got the wonderful duty of bathing the dogs because boy did they need it after that! The backseat of my car stressed me out to even look at after towing them around for the weekend. Luckily we got that mess cleaned up pronto!

Camping was super fun once we figured out how to camp together. Since this was a new experience for us as a couple it just took a little bit to get there, but once we did it was awesome! We stayed at a really great campground that was nestled in the mountains of New Mexico. Our scenery was beautiful and the weather was perfect! We fished ALL day Saturday and unfortunately only caught two fish that were pretty small. It was still so nice and relaxing regardless of the outcome. We cooked s'mores over the campfire and just enjoyed the peacefulness that is camping. I can't wait for our next trip!

As for Insanity things are going great! With the exception of our weekend away, I have not missed a single day. Today marks two weeks since I did the first workout and so far I am down 4 pounds! I have to tell you that watching the scale inch down every day has been huge motivation to stay on track. Some people are against weighing yourself everyday, but I have found it to be my number one tool for staying focused on my goal. I have also enjoyed lots of fruits and veggies over the last two weeks.

I have found the best way to keep the course has been planning. It can be really easy to skip a workout or two, eat quick on the go meals, or just snack on whatever is around the office. However, I am on a mission and this mission can't run that way. Every Sunday I sit down and plan my meals for the week. I plan what I will eat for every meal over the next 7 days. Dinner is hit or miss in staying on the schedule, but we usually do better more often than not. Once I have planned my meals I hit the grocery store. Getting home from the grocery store is when the fun kicks in. I go through all my fruit and veggies that I have just bought and put them in individual portions. This helps my mornings when I am rushing to get ready for work. It is less time if they are already in their individual portions, all I have to do is throw them in my lunch bag. Planning is key!

Sunday will be my next Fit test. I will report progress then! I have to say, even if I have already said it, I am really loving the insanity workouts. I love the variation in workouts and Shaun T is pretty awesome!

It is almost Thursday friends! Looking forward to the long weekend!

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