Saturday, May 5, 2012

There Is So Much To Celebrate!

It's been 1 week since we have made the big move across state lines to Lubbock. Thanks to some good friends and our parents we were able to get loaded up and unloaded pretty easily. It's been super fast, but I can honestly say we haven't skipped a beat. We got moved into our temporary house that will get us through the summer and allow us some time to find a more permanent home. We started our jobs immediately, Zeb on Monday, and me on Tuesday. We will be going on a second round of house tours with our realtor today and I have already ran most of the neighborhood.

It has been a really smooth transition and I am happy to report that things are feeling really comfortable. I think our social life should pick up pretty quick too! We will check out a couple churches over the next couple weekends and get plugged in wherever we land. Things are good.

It is hard to believe it, but our 1 year is quickly arriving! We have secured a tent site at a campground in New Mexico. We figured this would be a nice anniversary trip since we have been wanting to go camping for a while and yes, the dogs can come too! One big happy family.

Let me tell you what I have noticed so far about Lubbock that I love! First, there is a lot of activity in our neighborhood. We went on a couple walks this week and there are so many others down at the park or just out walking there dog. Second, this morning I was driving back from Bodypump and noticed 2 different lemonade stands manned by kids with their parents in the background. It warmed my heart. Finally, the people are so nice! Seriously, we went to the grocery store and got waved at multiple times as people passed.

Lastly, I am getting pretty serious these days about my workout regimen and what I put in my body. It certainly hasn't been easy, but so far I am loving the way I feel. I have more energy and my body just feels better. I will report more on that later.

I read a quote the other day that I loved. It said something along the lines of, "you will only see the good in people if you are truly looking for it". I have applied that to our life and it just changes things. It is so easy to see all the hard things, but if you are only looking for the good than that is all you will see.

Find the sun in the clouds! Believe in yourself! Change someone's life! and most importantly, Smile!

Happy Saturday!

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