Tuesday, May 8, 2012

5 Steps to a Healthier You!

About a month ago I designated one of my most favorite people in the world, Kali Bell, to be my accountability partner. I was so happy when she accepted my offer at this new position in my life. I needed someone who valued eating right and exercising as much as me, probably even more so, to tell me when I was stepping out of line. She has been FABULOUS!! Even better than I expected! No offense to her, she is great at everything, but she is also so busy I just assumed this would fall at the bottom of her to-do list. If it has I certainly have not been able to tell!

First, we became friends on the My Fitness Pal app. This is a wonderful app for tracking calories through out the day. It is seriously so sweet because you can just scan bar codes of the food you are eating and insert! You can also put in your physical activity for the day, which helps you see how many calories you are burning during certain activities. Since Kali and I are friends on the app we can view each others food diaries and hold each other accountable when we consume too much. It has definitely made me think twice about what I decide to eat. "Do I really want Kali to see that I had 2 donuts instead of just 1? I mean I guess I could just not log the second one and she would never know? But then I will feel guilty that I had to not log something just to feel OK about eating it?" Those are seriously the things that go through my head.

Step 1: Hire an accountability partner!

The other great thing about Kali is she sends me encouraging notes! One day I opened my email to find the most encouraging words about keeping on and taking care of your body. I love her for this! She is also pretty forgiving when I don't make my goals, but reminds me that I have to try again tomorrow.

Step 2: Hire an accountability partner!

Secondly, I have officially committed to a race. Well, I guess unofficially, officially, It won't be official until I actually pay the registration dues. However, I have verbally committed and now I am committing to all of you as my readers, which means I am committing! My friend Malarie and I are going to run the All Women's Half-Marathon in Phoenix on November 4th! Feel free to join us!!

Step 3: Commit to something!

Finally, all my fears are kicking in. This is something I have wanted for so long now. Some of you may know I began training in January to run the OKC Memorial Half-Marathon. Well it was sometime at the end of February or beginning of March when I went out for my longest run yet, 10 miles. I felt great the entire time. It wasn't until 2 days later when I tried to run that I realized my knee had been hurt. It took a huge hit on my running and I haven't run more than 5 miles since. However, I am determined to overcome this. My knee is back to normal and I believe that I can surpass 10 miles.

Step 4: Believe in yourself!

There was a time when I weighed 50 pounds more than I do now. There was also a time when I thought a runner did not exist inside my body. I have overcome both of those thoughts and now I will overcome the thought that I cannot run that far. I believe you can overcome your self-defeating thoughts too. You can lose those pounds, you can make healthier choices, you can run even if it starts with a walk. All of it starts with you though.

Step 5: Believe in yourself!

1 comment:

Lacie said...

Sasha! This is awesome! Although I'm not interested in running because I absolutely hate it and prob look like a fish out of water when I try to do it, It is still amazing to see you layout how to overcome the biggest obstacle in getting healthy....YOURSELF! You make it easy for anyone to understand and relate! Miss you!