Wednesday, November 28, 2012

December Challenge

 I love this time of year. I have probably mentioned that before. I love the music and the lights and the giving and the food. Oh how I love the food. I am telling you. I get weak for fudge, peppermint bark, heavy home cooked dishes. I love it all. You know what I don't love? The pounds. The "oh crap my jeans are a whole lot tighter feeling". So with Thanksgiving behind us and December only a few days a way, lets make a pact shall we? Are you ready?

Do some sort of physical activity for 30 minutes a day at least 21 days out of the 31 in December.

Did you get that? 5 days out of every 7 for the month of December MOVE for 30 minutes. Take a walk. Go for a run. Go to the park with your kid. Dust off Jillian Michaels. Do something!

Sorry I don't mean to yell.

If we can commit to movement over the next month, than we will be ahead of the game. We can laugh at the thousands of people rushing to the gym January 2nd to begin what we already started a month ago. And we might even have less to shave off because of it. Not only that, we can enjoy all those wonderful goodies people bring around this time of year even more. It feels much better to drink an entire shake when you know you burned that much in calories too. At least for me it does.

Are you in?

You can do it.

I believe in you. 

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