I don't know if the Academic world of workers is unique, but since it is close to all I have ever experienced I would say it is. Surely not every job place in America thinks the world revolves around them. Please do not tell me that there are people that "think" they are absurdly important all over this country. I would like to believe that Academia is the only place you would find this many "important" people. Although I may be living in a fantasy world.
To deter from the cynical attitude that is being exhibited in the previous paragraph I will say this. I admire people that are humble to the core. I find true joy in those that find true joy in the things that really matter. I enjoy the company of those that are not caught up in the materialistic, prideful, dog eat dog world that we live in today. You know who I am talking about.
The people that I admire know that relationships are one of the most important things God ever gave us to participate in. These people put value in a phone call from a long distance friend or family member rather than the next book or article they will publish. These people spend precious moments in the evenings and on weekends with their loved ones rather than long hours working up their next plan for employee of the year. These people work hard at very different things that will last a lifetime instead of the things that will last through the next awards banquet. These people are rare.
In my fantasy world I would like to believe that these people are becoming the trend. I would like to believe that we would spend more time investing in our children of the future instead of ourselves and our future. I would like to think that people want to change the dark track this world is on. With more choices and freedom than ever before, the world has become more about me and less about you. How is it possible that the people of today have the highest depression rate, have the most to complain about, but have more options with the goal of satisfaction than our ancestors ever had? I am truly puzzled by this.
I know this particular blog entry has drifted quite a bit from my initial goal when I started this blog almost a month ago. I know it is not quite wrapped around the sweet beginnings that my title leads on. Today though, I felt stimulated in a different way. I felt compelled to briefly touch on some very sour topics that rule my world on almost a daily basis. Therefore, my inspiring thought to you today is to find the sweet among the overwhelming sour taste.
When life throws you lemons...make some lemonade!
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