Inspiration is fun. I find inspiration in so many different ways in my life. I read blogs of others to inspire me to keep writing my own. I seek advice from married women both young and old to be inspired to be a good wife one day. I research advising tools to keep inspired in my work. I look for people in need to be inspired to help others less fortunate than myself. I am constantly in search of ways to stay inspired.
For me, inspiration is the key to my success. I do not want motivation to keep me going. I believe motivation is more or less an obligating term. Motivation makes me feel obligated to do whatever it is I may be doing. Inspiration is different. Inspiration involves emotion and the heart. It involves transparency and stories. I love reading and listening to stories of others because that is what inspires me to keep going. Inspiration is the desire to keep going because someone or something else convinced me it was worth it. Motivation just does not quite get that same glory.
I thought about this concept because I was telling Zeb last night that I needed some motivation to get back to the gym. I have been slacking on working out and it is that time of the year when sweets and good comfort food are everywhere! Apparently a wedding and honeymoon are not motivating enough to get me going. I was doing some research earlier today on workouts and other health related things and that is when it hit me. As I was reading testimonials of others I felt inspired by their story. None of them were saying I am just so happy to be skinny now or look better in that outfit, they were all talking about how good it felt to just be healthy. That was the inspiration I needed. I don't want be obligated to feel motivated in order to fit into a wedding dress I already bought. I want to be inspired to live a healthier lifestyle that includes regular workouts and eating right.
I am thinking God was playing a special role in that reading I was doing this morning. He was teaching me a lesson that I need to apply to my life. Inspiration is special. It comes in many different forms and means something different for every person. Universally though, it involves a love for something that is strong enough to make you do something about it. God is love and therefore I believe he would rather you be inspired to be and do rather than motivated to be and do.
"All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness"-2 Timothy 3:16
What inspires you?
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