Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Face Lift

Today I gave my blog a much needed face lift. I was pleased to find that blogger has updated much of their features since the last time I did any design work on the page. This made the process much more enjoyable.

Valentine's Day was a good day. I was so happy to find a little note tucked in my Quizno's shirt from Zeb. Those are my favorite. After I got off I was surprised with a picnic in the living room of my apartment. It included a delicious bottle of wine, smoked cheese, crackers, hummus, and roses. It was simple and perfect. I will include a picture of it tomorrow.

I am working on a project in my free time. It may or may not last, but for the time being it is very exciting. I will be sharing it with all of my readers soon because I will need help from some of you.

Today I will be having lunch at Red Lobster with my love all because of these two people. They had a giveaway on their blog two weeks ago and I won a $25 gift card! Thank you so much Megan and Brandon.

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