Friday, February 11, 2011

Fruitful Fridays

This weeks thoughts...

I am not sure when I realized this in my adult life, but over the last few years I have come to know that I can be a messy board of many people and ideas. I tend to look for others for advice and counsel often. I enjoy conversation that stimulates me in a thoughtful manner. The crossroad I have come to more recently though is becoming who I was created to be. I have found myself asking when I will find my identity rather than the identities of many wrapped up in one.

In high school I would drift in and out of healthy, working out stages. Post high school I became rather addicted to working out. In my most recent years I have gone back and forth. In the most recent weeks I have become addicted again. I was blessed with a body that must be cared for in a delicate manner or it will become a rather large blob. I wonder how I can find the balance of working out and not overeating.

As I have gotten closer to being married, I have somehow found myself surrounded by more married couples. I believe this is a gift sent from above and I love it. I enjoy interacting with married couples both old and young, via social networking and in person. I can usually always find one of two things during the interaction; something I would like to adopt for my marriage or something I would like to avoid at all costs. I recently had a conversation with a friend about marriage and she told me that her mentor told her that she tries to never say no to her husband. Now that is a challenge! Since I have heard that it has been on my mind so much. I have found myself searching the Bible for more guidance on being the submissive wife God intended me to be.

Those are the things lingering in Sasha's mind this week. I think Friday's will become my thoughts of the week day.

What has been on your mind? Any thoughts on what I have been thinking about?

Happy Valentine's weekend!

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