Friday, June 3, 2011

Your Love is Deep

"And they just keep comin', comin' and comin', comin'"

I'm baaaaacccccckk!

Don't ask me where those first two lines came from, but when I opened this post and stared blankly wondering what to write those were the first two things that popped into my head. And that is how I random.

This morning I arrived at Starbucks just after 6 am. Zeb and I are carpooling at the moment due to some vehicular problems and he has to go to work much earlier than me. Therefore, I needed a place to kill time. The temperature was perfect on the outside and cold on the inside. As I thought about that and where I wanted to plop down for the next hour or so, I immediately thought about those descriptors and myself. Perfect on the outside and cold on the inside. Perfect in the sense that on the outside I like to have it together and laugh and show love to those that cross my path. Cold in the sense that on the inside my spiritual fire has almost lost its light and not lost it, like it is dying, but lost it like there is a bowl on top suffocating it. The bowl is this life and everything that comes with it. The ease of getting caught up in the day to day, the ease of worrying what others think, the ease of putting value in the value that you assume others put in you, the ease of dealing with life on your own. And just like a light from a candle, once that bowl begins to suffocate you, its a matter of seconds before the light is gone. And it is a lot harder to re-light than it is to just stay lit. Remove the bowl, please remove the bowl!

I decided to sit outside and dwell in the perfect temperature and the perfect light and the perfect breeze in hopes of soaking in the perfect grace that God gives in every circumstance, but more noticeably in times like this. I prayed a short prayer, I am never one for long ones, and asked for direction. I didn't know where I wanted to start or end in the Bible for that morning, but I knew it had been far too long since I had opened it and I needed God's direction.

"Show me where I should be right now and allow me to hear your words."

He led me to Jonah. Just as perfect as can be he took me right to where he needed me to be this morning. The bowl was lifted and I could start to feel my insides warm. I smiled at one point because it was that familiar feeling of love and mercy. I walked to work this morning and felt renewed. I felt like you do in 1st grade, like I had just worked things out with my best friend and we were walking hand in hand again. And then he continued to talk to me when he put this song in my head as my walking entertainment.

"Your love is deep.
Your love is high.
Your love is long.
Your love is wide.

Your love is deeper than my view of grace
higher than this worldly place
longer than this road I travel
wider than the gap you fill

Your love is deep
Your love is high
Your love is long
your love is wide"

Go ahead and pledge your devotion to Jesus today. If you do, your life is guaranteed to be beautiful! Let Jesus shine through you.

1 comment:

PK said...

Sash! Thanks for sharing, that song and your words are so sweet. You can always come to our place in the mornings!! Also, we should do weekly coffee and Jesus time?! I feel the same way as your described it perfectly.

Love you!