Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Just an Update

This week I am in Stillwater Tuesday through Friday. In order to save on gas, we decided it would be better if I could find a friend to stay with for the middle of the week and then go back home on Friday. Well yesterday morning, I guess you could say I wasn't so much prepared for that. As I have gotten older I have come to really enjoy my routines. For the last almost three months my routine has been to sleep next to my husband every night. Therefore, yesterday morning there were small tears as he left for work. I hugged him so tight and he laughed at me. I just...I just like my routine and I was sad that it would be different for a few nights. I made it through though and I know that Friday will be here before I know it.

In the meantime I am getting some great and much needed girl time. My sweet friend Liz came over to hang out with me last night and we got to do some major catching up. I missed her. I will also get to spend some time with my friend Shelby over the next two nights. She is letting me stay with her and I am so grateful for that. This week I have felt extremely grateful.

Other good news is I got a second job. I will be working at Sonic part time. This is such a blessing and I am glad to have my Sonic experience because it made it very easy to get. Thanks Daddy!

Happy Hump Day friends! I hope you are finding the blessings in everything around you this week!

1 comment:

PK said...

I want to have another coffee date with you! And you are ALWAYS welcome to stay with us if need be, we can make the couch comfy :) I'm glad you were able to find a second job...God always provides no matter what. Just remember this is an amazing season of growing and learning. I love you!