Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"Clinging, Wrestling Intensely, and Holding Out"

I follow this girl's blog for one reason and one reason only; she can put into words the thoughts and emotions I have but cannot seem to formulate words for myself. Today she did just that.

"But maybe God can be clung to, and so I'm clinging on like Jacob, wrestling intensely at times and holding out for a blessing."-Mandy Steward

Sometimes that is simply all you can do. And when I wrote this post last week, that was exactly the thought I was trying to get across, but I said it so many more words. That was really all I wanted to say though.

All I wanted to say was that maybe your best for God is just clinging on. Ever day I am just clinging on to the ever awareness that He is there and He is listening. Some days are easier than others. Most days it feels like a wrestling match. But I refuse to let go, well because letting go means far worse than clinging and wrestling. For letting go can mean losing the very hope that keeps me going everyday. Hope that gives me faith because in Mandy's words "maybe faith is simply hoping and not knowing." Not knowing that everything is going to work out but hoping and holding out for the blessing. For in all things God works it to the good of those who love Him. Who love him and cling to him and wrestle with him and have faith in him.

This is me clinging...

1 comment:

My Offering said...

I read Mandy's Messy Canvas, too, and connect with her words quite thoroughly.