Friday, February 24, 2012

The Diligent Shall Prosper

At the beginning of this year Zeb and I were very excited because we both had great jobs in our field and had big goals for the year. One of these goals was to pay off $25,000 of our debt. It seemed like a lot when we set the goal, but we are dying to get debt free and so we committed to it. Can you imagine how much harder that seems now that Zeb is laid off? Impossible.

Luckily we have an awesome God on our side. He knows the desires of our hearts and he wants to help us get there. I am so happy to announce that today is February 24th, only 55 days into this year, and we have already gotten $8,282 paid!! INCREDIBLE!! Only about a quarter of that is to our credit though. We got really lucky and was able to settle a large part of one of our debts for way less. Basically, that means that God took care of about $5,374 of that total. Regardless, it makes me so happy to know that we can still make huge progress on this while facing adversity. We have 33% of our goal done already. That is something to celebrate!

Every Friday, while at work, I listen to the Dave Ramsey show on the Internet. Truthfully, I listen everyday of the week, but Fridays are especially important. They are debt free Fridays and basically Dave lets people call in or come to the Financial Peace Plaza and scream they are debt free. They tell how much they have paid off, how long it took them, and what were the hardest parts of the journey. I literally get chills during every story and I envy those people calling in. I can't wait to be the one calling...I think we might even drive to Tennessee when that time comes to scream we are debt free in the plaza and sign the wall.

I can't even explain how passionate I am about this. Ever since I drank the Dave Ramsey koolaid I have been on a mission. Zeb and I have focused all of our efforts on saving anywhere we can in order to pay off more debt. We can't wait for the day when we walk on a car lot and buy a new car with CASH! We dream about having a savings with 3 to 6 months worth of expenses in it. We dream about feeling the freedom behind not being a slave to the lender. We don't want to rely on the government to bail us out because we can obviously see where they are headed.

If you have never listened to Dave before or read one of his books, I recommend it. Start with his talk show. It is on every day during the work week between 2 and 5 Eastern time. Simply go to and listen live. That will give you a small taste of what he is about. Then if you like where he is going with things and you can handle his brutal plan to become financially free, I would jump right into his Financial Peace University class. It is 13 weeks long but will teach you everything you need to know to get on the right track. Finally, if you have the chance, go see him live. He is absolutely hilarious and motivating. The thing about Dave is everything he talks about is from experience. He is literally dug himself out of financial hell and become a millionaire. He went bankrupt twice and realized he was tired of it and changed. Now he is changing lives because of his experience.

I love this quote.

"Prosperity is way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just the lack of money or things."-Eric Butterworth

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