Thursday, May 10, 2012


I wanted to start this at the beginning of the week, but I just got it. I finally got the Insanity workout! I have been doing a lot of reading on it and I hear it is great. I also hear that not many can actually finish it. Well I am going to give it my best shot. Here's the deal, folks, I am starting today with the fit test. I want to actually attempt the 60 day program. That will put me right up to the time that I will need to be getting serious about my running in order to be ready for the half marathon in November. I am still going to do some running with the Insanity workout, but probably just light miles.

I am going to be completely transparent about this process, including revealing my weekly weight and inches. I will also talk about what I completely failed at and where I did well. I hear even the fit test is rough! I will have to weigh myself first thing tomorrow morning, but I think I am currently sitting at about 173. I will also measure my legs, waist, arms, and chest. Then in 60 days I can tell you whether it is worth the money, time, and effort!

To the moon!

1 comment:

PK said...

Sounds so exciting!!!! I can't wait to read and hear about you transformations! I definitely will be your cheerleader! We leave tomorrow, but when we get back life will have slowed WAY down! Stay strong and finish hard! xoxo You got this!