Friday, May 11, 2012

Unleash the Athlete Inside

Well day 2 of Insanity is done. So far I have no complaints. I think it hyped it up to be so hard in my head that it is turning out to be better than expected. I won't lie to you it IS hard, but I just do what I can and rest when I need to. I think that is what it takes. You can't just quit when something gets hard. You have to give it your all in order to get better. That is my frame of mind during the workout.

Day 1 was the fit test. Basically, you just do 8 different exercises for a minute each. The goal is to do as many reps as possible in the 1 minute. Every 2 weeks we will do the fit test again and see if I get better. I will report my results in 2 weeks when I do the next fit test.

After doing the video tonight I went for a VERY slow 60 minute jog. I mean seriously slow! The idea though was to just get some miles in. As I mentioned yesterday, I don't plan to do hard training yet but I still want to get some miles under my belt. It felt great!

I was talking to some friends and they were saying they could NEVER run 5 miles. I told them they could and I am here to tell you that you can too. It won't happen overnight, but there is an athlete inside each and every one of us just dying to come out! Find it, challenge it, and go slow! Before you know time will fly and you will be running, swimming, biking, group fitnessing, whatever it is your inner athlete desires. Just stick with it. If you fail today, try again tomorrow. Just keep trying.

Happy Weekend!

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